Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Spring Cleaning: It is NOT too late (and it is not just for Spring)!

Since June 21, 2015 marks the first official day of summer (regardless of these temps that may be saying otherwise) is not too late to do your spring cleaning!

Before I provide you with my favorite checklist by Martha Stewart, here are some things you should keep in mind:

1. Make a realistic schedule.  The list is lengthy and can overwhelm you if you think you want to do it all in one day.  You will likely need several days to get this done.  If you can't realistically see yourself completing all these tasks, it may be good to hire a company.  This may be costly (but will be so worth it when you have it done all in one day by someone else), save up!

2. Make a list of all the supplies you will need and try to get them all at once.  Having to go back and forth to buy cleaning supplies will wear you out and make the process feel much longer.

3. Tailor Martha's list to your own home.  Even if you are going to hire a company to do this, having a list of the things you want done will make sure you know what you are getting and minuses the possibility of price surprises.  

4. While it may seem daunting, try to do this every 3 or 4 months (I try to do mine with every season change).  It will keep your home fresh from the lack of build up.

Here you go:

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